Monday, February 2, 2009

My sweet cousin-in-law, Vicki tagged me! I'm supposed to do a post about some things that bug me. Oh I could go on 4evah about this!!

1. When you are in the turn have the green arrow.....and the idiot in front of you does not GO!!!! ( this is an inherited bug, from my daddy....holla daddy!)

2. Whistling......makes my skin crawl.

3. When I pour a glass of ice cold pepsi and go to rotate the laundry or something.....and come back to find that one or all of my kids have helped themselves to it.

4. and while we are on the kids....waiting till the last minute to tell me that they need something for school like 5 minutes before we leave in the morning. grrrrrr

5. little people that don't flush the potty.....thus leaving a surprise for mommy or daddy or grandpa or grandma or get the picture.

6. snoring....even tho I am told I snore.......I can't get to sleep if Brian is snoring, or I can hear one of my kids in the other room snoring......I will go in and roll them over!!

7. toilet paper on the holder or paper towels on the holder.......the paper should fold OVER not under......I will change it if I visit your abode,

8. having an almost teenager in the house.....she thinks she needs to go 'all attitude' lately, darn hormones!

9. being on the phone with someone and they are carrying on a conversation with someone in the background.......just call me back would ya please!

10. people say they are your friends.....and only are happy themselves when they make you feel miserable......sadly this happens in the real world and not just in high school.

I tag anyone that wants to get something off their chest.........Tonya???? would you like to explode on your blog today(per our conversation in the parking lot)!!!!


Bonnie the Boss said...

I have missed you! I love that list and agree with many. Teenagers! Yuck! Diet Pepsi thing, Whistling.... my kids do it all the time!

Beloved Daughter said...

Love the list. I'm gonna steal the graphic and tag and use it on one of my posts . . . one of these days!! :0)

Tausha said...

i should blog about things that bug me. That would be way too long of a post!!!!
Way too long. I agree-I don't have a teenager yet-she is only 9-but man is she smart and mouthy. She unfortnuately takes after her mother on this one.

Tonya said...

I love you Jen you make me laugh. I will probably regret it as soon as I do it, but I think I'll play along. BTW where did you get the cute valentine conversation heart at the top of your blog? I want one :)