Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Random Thoughts

So yesterday a friend and I took our kids to the local pool. Between the two of us we had 7 monsters to yell at...I mean look after. While we were sitting there in the shallow end looking like a bunch of beached whales (pretty visual huh), my friend's teenage daughter had an epifany! She proceeds to tell us that when she has kids, she will never...........wait for it.........

YELL @ her kids!

I about peed with laughter!

Then it got me thinking about all the random things I as a mom say to my kids on any given day!

"Don't lick each other!"

"Boogers belong in a tissue!"

"No, I do not want a taste of your 'special potion'!"

"Bouncy balls do not belong in the heating vents!"

and my personal favorite.......

"No, you can not pee in that jar!"

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