In the spirit of all things Thanksgiving, I present to you my thankful list.
-Wii games and the Blockbuster pass for unlimited game rentals! Momma likey when the kiddos aren't fighting. Games that they can play together = happy momma.
-Super comfy bed with freshly washed sheets!
-mornings when McCoy sneaks into said comfy bed @ 4am and squeezes between Brian and I. Drives Brian crazy, but I'm hanging on to these moments . He is my baby after all.
-Happy Pills. Yes I take 'em. I know I need them. and after dealing with a friend who refuses to take them, but desperately needs them, this week....I realize I am a stronger person because I address my mental health, and not hide from it!
-Teachers. All my kids teachers. I love them so much! The kids are doing so good this year, and I consider all their teachers some of my very best friends!
-PTA. wha? Yes I love it! Keeps me hoppin', but involved!
-no piggy flu @ our house! Several of our friends have had it. Keeping fingers crossed that it doesn't motate our way!
-my IPOD...and listening to Ozzy's Crazy Train ~DON'T JUDGE!
-Layaway....this is actually 2 fold-- 1. Holds Christmas crap until the bonus comes into our hot little hands on Dec. 5th. 2. Holds Christmas crap so I don't have to find a hiding place!
-My super fantastic, surprised they aren't crazy yet, in-laws! We have stayed with them alot longer than any of us expected, it means more to me than they will ever know.
-Christmas Lights! Brian and his dad have rigged up a pretty sweet light show, complete with music! We will put the Griswold's to shame this season!
-Homework.....and the fact that my kids have it all done tonight. Now they are callin' my name to play the Wii....Have a good night everyone!